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Samuel Madden is a the College of Computing Distinguished Professor of Computing at MIT. His research interests include databases, distributed computing, and networking. Research projects include learned database systems, the C-Store column-oriented database system, and the CarTel mobile sensor network system. Madden heads the Data Systems Group at MIT and the Data Science and AI Lab (DSAIL), an industry supported collaboration focused on developing systems that use AI and machine learning.

Madden received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley in 2003 where he worked on the TinyDB system for data collection from sensor networks. Madden was named one of Technology Review's Top 35 Under 35 in 2005 and an ACM Fellow in 2020, and is the recipient of several awards, including an NSF CAREER award, a Sloan Foundation Fellowship, and "test of time" awards from VLDB, SIGMOD, SIGMOBILE, and SenSys. He is the co-founder and Chief Scientist at Cambridge Mobile Telematics, which develops technology to make roads safer and drivers better.