CS169 Software Engineering

March 6, 2000
Professor Doug Tygar

Concept Phase Review

This handout defines the deliverables for the Concept Phase Review, which defines the product for the group project. The primary deliverables are a 40-minute presentation on the idea, followed by 20 minutes of discussion, and a short writeup. Presentations will at the end of the week beginning March 13th, or the beginning of the week thereafter. The writeup is due Wednesday, March 15th. There will a sign-up sheet outside 621 Soda, as soon as the presentation rooms and times are known.

All group members must attend the review, and all must be prepared to answer questions, but not all must present material during the presentation. Everyone is expected to contribute to the content of the presentation. Please bring (2) printed copies of your slides to the presentation.

The goal is to nail down the product as much as possible, and outline the key required resources (code, tools and equipment). It is useful to be explicit about possible features the product will not have, since reduces the temptation to add them later.

The presentation should address each of the following:

The writeup should contain much of the same information, organized as a 3-5 page concept review document. In particular, be sure to include:

This page last updated 3.7.2000, Sam Madden