CS169 Software Engineering

May 1, 2000
Professor Doug Tygar

Final Presentation

This handout defines the deliverables for the Final Phase Review, which marks the completion of the beta version with a demo and some actual beta testing. There are two primary deliverables: a 10-minute presentation on the status and summary of the project, followed by a group-led demo (up to 20 minutes), followed by use of the project. Presentations will be on May 6th and 7th, in the 330 Soda NT Lab. All group members must attend the review, and all must be prepared to answer questions, but not all must present material during the presentation. Everyone is expected to contribute to the content of the presentation.
The schedule for presentation is as follows:

May 6 May 7

I. Presentation

II. Group Demo

In this part you get to show off what works. You should have a scripted demo that covers all of the great things about your project. It is more than OK to skip around stuff that is less flattering. The board may ask questions, but we cannot ask you to deviate from your script (unless you can t follow the script because something isn t working). It should be viewed as bad to find unexpected bugs during this demo (since you should have known and worked around them). This part should be at least 10 minutes and can be as long as twenty.

III. Beta Testing

In this part, we will put the project through its paces, even trying to break the software. Historically, no group has made it through unscathed, but several have been close. When we find bugs, we will note them down and move on to something else. Crashes are viewed as worse than incorrect or awkward responses (in part because they slow down the testing). Although this is a beta test, we will focus on whatever environment you set up for the group demo. For example, if you are using Netscape, we will use it as well; if you promised MSIE support also, we may try it after pushing on Netscape first. This part typically lasts 20 minutes (or until the end of the hour).
Hint: Make sure that any last minute changes don t break other pieces!

This page last updated 5.1.2000, Sam Madden